Our Current Publications

Our first seven books are now available, designed by Kendra Martin and printed by Coach House Printing in Toronto. All are 120 pages, except Meet the Shakespeares, which is 168 pages, because, well, Shakespeare is Shakespeare. A Fine Line: The Caricatures of Anthony Jenkins and When Tom Met Alison: A Fisher Collection are 8 by 8 inches.

Distribution of the books is in its infancy, but copies are available in Toronto at Ben McNally Books, Book City (two of its locations) and other select stores. Copies of Meet the Shakespeares are available at TheatreBooks, at 101 Spadina Ave. half a block above King Street West. Copies of A Fine Line and When Tom Met Alison are available at The Beguiling Books & Art, 601 Markham Street, just south of Honest Ed’s.

Copies may be ordered by mail with a cheque – yes, cheque only at this point – sent to: Nestlings Press, 119 Spadina Ave., PO Box 252 TORONTO B, Toronto, ON M5T 2W1. For each copy of Bird Doggerel, The Charles Arthur Stories, Gulliver’s Day Trip, and If Famous Authors Wrote Nursery Rhymes, send $13.60. For each copy of Meet the Shakespeares, send $15.70. For each copy of A Fine Line: The Caricatures of Anthony Jenkins and When Tom Met Alison: A Fisher Collection, send $20.95. All prices include GST. Nestlings Press will pay the postage for books mailed to an address within Canada.