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Ade Package


Ade Package
(2021, 192 pages, $19.95, 6 inches wide by 8.75 inches tall, on white paper)

Ade Package
collects the best of George Ade’s fables in slang, written in the early 1900s. Mark Twain was a fan. So were P.G. Wodehouse, Ring Lardner, H.L. Mencken and S.J. Perelman. Ade was a humorist, a satirist, a keen observer of rural and urban life, and a master of the well-turned phrase. “If what Mother said was true, then Effie’s Voice was a good deal better than it sounded.” “His Brain felt as if someone had played a Mean Trick on him and substituted a Side Order of Cauliflower.” (Wodehouse even quoted that line in one of his Bertie and Jeeves stories.) Great fun.

You can order this book through paypal ($19.95 + shipping + tax).

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