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If Famous Authors Wrote Nursery Rhymes

If Famous Authors Wrote Nursery Rhymes is the work of sixty-two Canadian contributors to the Challenge column, which used to appear in The Globe and Mail. The challenge was to rewrite a nursery rhyme in the style of a well-known author. Thus, Ernest Hemingway pens Humpty Dumpty, Agatha Christie takes a crack at The Queen of Hearts, and Chaucer tackles Jack Sprat. The book is marvellously illustrated with caricatures by Anthony Jenkins.

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If Famous Authors Wrote Nursery Rhymes

two sample rhymes:

Leonard Cohen (by Diane Perry)

Mary, contrary Mary, takes me to her garden.
You can see the flowers growing.
You can touch them, smell the fragrance
And you know that all you want and need is there.

Ogden Nash (by Peter Stephens)

One thing Jack should have bethought him of
Is that hills, like mysteries and unlike pretty girls, are not always good to get to the bottom of.
And Jill, who didn’t really buy the line about the pail of water,
Have spent less time thinking about who she someday wanted to cuddle up, grow old and pay her bills with
And more about who she climbed up hills with.



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