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Illustrating Brer Rabbit


Illustrating Brer Rabbit
(2024, 160 pages with 31 in colour, $19.95, 6 inches wide by 8.75 inches high)

Joel Chandler Harris's original Uncle Remus stories were an enormous influence on children's literature, but times change, and the tales work better today without the framing device of Remus and the difficult language in which Harris retold the tales he had heard - tales of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer Bear and their many other friends or enemies (depending on the day). This book offers the stories in standard English while retaining their rollicking flavour, and graces them with the drawings of close to a dozen illustrators, including J.A. Shepherd, Milo Winter, Walter Trier, Harry Rountree and the artist most associated with Brer Rabbit, A.B. Frost. Brer Rabbit is a trickster, his tales are enormous fun, and the illustrations do much to bring them to life.

You can order this book through PayPal ($19.95 plus tax plus shipping).


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