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It’s Been All Downhill Since the Dinosaurs


It’s Been All Downhill Since the Dinosaurs
(2022, 192 pages, $19.95, 6 inches wide by 8.75 inches tall) )

Some books offer dry history. This one goes for the more bizarre episodes in recent and distant history, scrolling back from the 1980s to the Ancient Egyptians with much in between. You’ll learn the inside story about Popeye and spinach, the curious case of the speeder who swore it was his pigeons who registered on the radar, the fellow who was sure a Canada Post strike would end if the union leader simply touched his parrot (no, that’s not a euphemism), and what King Tut packed for his meals in the afterlife. Such momentous facts are laid out in a handy almanac form, so, if you want to know when readers were asked to decide by telephone vote whether Batman’s sidekick Robin should live or die, you just need to turn to Sept. 16. Accurate, witty, and guaranteed to help you pass any history test you might still have to write. Okay, not guaranteed exactly. Wild hope, more like.


You can order this book through PayPal ($19.95 plus tax plus shipping).

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